Official page of the Jurakán Documentary Collection
Universities, Colleges & Institutions
Streaming & downloadable video file w/ PPR 3 years
*Available Worldwide
Price applies to universities, colleges, hospitals, corporations, museums, government agencies, the armed services, and includes public performance rights for classroom, organizational or library use by the acquiring institution for non-paying audiences only. Note: if you require a Purchase Order/Invoice, we can accommodate. Please contact us directly at the email below.
Universities, Colleges & Institutions - Academic DVD *Only Available for North America (Puerto Rico, USA, Canada, Mexico)
Price applies to universities, colleges, hospitals, corporations, museums, government agencies, the armed services, and includes public performance rights for classroom, organizational or library use by the acquiring institution for non-paying audiences only. Note: if you require a Purchase Order/Invoice, we can accommodate. Please contact us directly at the email below.
K-12, Public Libraries & Select Groups -Community DVD
*Only Available for North America (Puerto Rico, USA, Canada, Mexico)
Price applies to K-12 schools and public libraries. We also offer this discount to community-based & non-profit organizations, student groups, and institutions with limited budgets may inquire. License covers public performance rights for non-paying audiences only.
Shipping and handling included.
If your institution has budgetary limitations, please contact the filmmakers directly to discuss your budget.